Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The BA is in!

So it looks like we have co-ordinated the submission of the Building Application. We are going through a private certifier.. just cause its a little different. All expecations are that the house will be out of BA by Monday 14th and we can start talking to the builder on a start date. I had hoped to maybe turn over a sod of dirt before Christmas ... but sadly that is not going to happen.

Don't worry - Cath and I still have plenty to do. We have not knocked off much of the wood piles that need de nailing, the weather is just so hot that after a couple of hours we are melting - but if its to be used in the construction we will just have to soldier on!! We can also now get on to the part of costing what we need - the house, due to the soil type, will have some formidable foundations so we can at least start costing the steel and concrete to do in it. I know.... concrete and steel - there are times when you have to be practical about these things....