Sunday, March 28, 2010

Finally Some Action!!

 After waiting for what seemed an eternity... well.. it was 26 days ago... we have finally seen some movement on the house site.  Paul turned up on Monday and set about re-digging trenches and clearing out the site.  At this stage we have 3/4 of the steel posts - which we have been painting - in the ground.

It was great to finally see some work done on the place.  We were out there with some friends on the weekend and managed to get some more of the wood de-nailed.  One and a bit piles to go.  I am dubious that we will be able to use it all having spent so much time out in the elements, but what we use will still be cheaper than if we bought it new.

At this point I would like to say to those thinking of owner building - you do truly need to know and question most things.  Hindsight is a great leveller, but I think if we had looked more closely at the footing system and realised the expense it was going to be we might have got a second opinion.... just because they a respected in their field does not mean what they say goes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Trenches have been dug

So there was a flurry of activity down at the block last week.  Paul decided that he was tired of waiting for a good time to do this so he has done the trenches - it may turn out to be a bad move as we are again in the midst of a huge downpour - started Sunday and apart from a small respite Monday morning its just kept raining.
I thought I would help by doing a bit of labouring - if the rain stops by the end of the week we will be out there on the weekend pumping out trenches I assume - but this is another setback for a build that I was determined to get finished by End of June - it is frustrating...